Day 20

What Did You See? What Did You Hear? (Matthew 7:7-8)

Mr. Rogers was a splendid man of God and one of the greatest teachers ever. He’d always ask children, “what did you see and what did you hear?”

That’s my question to you. You’ve been fasting. You’ve been committed. You did something DIFFERENT to start your year. You took the road less traveled. So let me ask you—what did God show you? What did God say to you?

Have you written it down yet? Have you shared that with others? Have you invested quiet time to process what God is doing in your soul? I wanna encourage you to do that! Capture it. Record it. Remember it. Because God is going to use that wisdom to cultivate your next steps in life. O I can’t wait to hear what all He does in your life!

In Matthew Jesus admonished us to seek and we shall find. I pray that your season of seeking has found some gospel treasure for you, your family, and your friends. That’s what it’s all about.

Thanks for being different