Day 4

Standing on the Word (2 Timothy 3:16)

Were a fire ever to break out at our house, God forbid, upon rescuing my wife and children, the next thing I’d go after is my Mom’s old Bible. I imagine that Bible was printed in the late 80s or early 90s meaning it’s about 40 years old. And my Mama, God rest her soul, read that Bible every day, literally. And though it’s in the King James Version, I often sit with that Bible many a day to be encouraged in the same way Mom was decades ago. What really encourages me is when I see some of her handwritten notes she jotted down next to so many passages. 

God’s word is an amazing thing. And a time of fasting should be coupled with the reading of God’s Word. I tend to say this now and again, you’re only gonna have a great relationship with God if you have a good relationship with your Bible. Walking with God and walking with God’s word should go hand and hand in the life of the believer. 

Think about this, after 5,000 years, the Bible continues to be relevant, a world best seller, and sparks interest, dialogue, and debate in every generation. How could a book that old still be the talk of the town? How can something so ancient be yet and still famous AND infamous? It’s because the book was given to us by God. 

Paul said that all Scripture is breathed out by God and therefore profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness that the man (or woman) of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. Paul was saying that the Bible does something in us because it is written by God. 

While you fast I encourage you to grow deeper in God’s word. Meditate on a Psalm this week. Contemplate the pith and weight of a proverb. Sit in awe as you read a parable of Jesus. Soak up God’s Word. 

Press on Family — Keep Going!
